We Speak Your Language! translate


We Can Do Analog Film FX Too!

So. This video is a little different. It is an exercise in analog visual effects. We started by filming a performance with two stationary cameras set at about 12 and 3 o'clock. After this filming, we played each video on their respective devices with just a hint of syncing them by pressing play on one and then guessing when to hit play on the next. We then filmed the two devices with another camera and... Well just watch!


TinyMeetBig: Examining the Minutiae & the Massive.

Ok we just did a rebranding/revamping/relaunching
over on Tumblr.com
This Tumblr us going to start taking on the big-
And the very small issues of the day.
So please go take a gander at

Our New Tumblr TinyMeetBig!


Can Anyone Tell Us What Kind of Bird We Captured? (and is it edible?)

Just kidding. We didn't falsely arrest our fine feathered friend. But we would like to know if anyone out there can please identify him? Or Her?


Zoomer Dog & Friends! Electronic Toy Excitement

We've had a great response to these Zoomer dog Boomvies! Of course we had to make 'em a little weird...



A Strident Email We Got The Other Day...

Hi Chica blog post address,

I'm streaming clips of my life with a new iPhone App called Lightt. It's a fun, unique way to see and share life.

Join me by downloading the free Lightt app. See you there!

Download the Free iPhone App now.